Lockyer Valley Growers Inc.

Lockyer Valley Growers Inc. is a non-commercial, not-for-profit industry body representing the united voice of fruit and vegetable growers of the Lockyer Valley Region.

We strive to create meaningful social interaction between our stakeholders to uncover shared opportunities and encourage innovation, fostering resilience through challenging climatic conditions and ensuring the prosperity of one of the world’s most agriculturally fertile regions.


As a united voice for growers, we:

  • Offer a program of networking events encouraging members to strengthen their existing networks, develop new contacts and connect with industry leaders to maximise growth.
  • Encourage innovation through study tours and field days.
  • Lobby government and industry organisations and identify grants and programs that benefit growers in the region. 
  • Identify, scope, attract funding and manage pest, disease and varietal research projects to benefit the Lockyer Valley.
  • Promote the industry and provide a single point of contact for the media.
  • Run vegetable industry expos and field days in the Lockyer Valley.
  • Represent the interests of women and the next generation in the horticulture industry.
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